10 Sturdy Tips to Help Prevent Seasickness


If you’re prone to seasickness, you may be somewhat apprehensive about booking a cruise getaway.

If this sounds like you, rest assured that today’s luxury liners are more or less seasickness proof. Thanks to the sheer size of passenger liners, the onboard experience is smooth and steady, even in rough seas. Large ships also feature much bigger hulls than ferries and other small boats. This helps to disperse water impact and keep the vessel steady. Some ships are also fitted with motion stabilisers that further aid in quashing any seasickness symptoms.

However, some people are more prone to the issue than others, in which case this collection of tips on how to prevent seasickness should come in handy!

1) Get plenty of fresh air

Sometimes all you need to get rid of seasickness symptoms is a good dose of fresh air. Try to get out on deck as much as possible and if you have an outside cabin, opening the windows and soaking up the cool sea breeze is strongly advised.

2) Look at the horizon

If you feel yourself succumbing to a spell of seasickness, focussing your gaze steadily on the horizon is a great way to steady your stomach. It acts as a constant and unmoving point that helps to detract from any swaying or unsteadiness you may be experiencing.

3) Watch what you eat

While you may be OK eating certain foods on dry land, ingredients such as milk, cream and other rich foods can react badly with some passengers. Spicy foods have also been pegged as a problem for some people while excessive alcohol is an obvious rebuff.

4) Medications

There is a huge range of anti-seasickness medications out there, ranging from off the shelf products to over the counter prescriptions. If you’re worried about seasickness, make sure you book an appointment with your GP and chat about what options are best for you. As a last resort, you will most likely be able to find seasickness medication at the on-board pharmacy.

5) Natural remedies

Ginger is an age-old remedy for motion sickness, with studies proving the humble root is an effective way of reducing nausea and other undesirable symptoms. It comes in a variety of different forms, from tea and powders to pills and crystallised candy. Apples have also been identified as a great anti seasickness food, with some lines even going so far as to offer platters of apple and crackers as part of their menu.

6) Gently press your ear openings

It may look strange but gently pressing down on your ear openings with your index fingers will increase internal pressure which will reduce fluid movement in the semi-circular canals. In turn, this will ease the feeling of movement and help you regain your inner equilibrium.

7) Avoid reading

While it can be tempting to kick back and relax with a good book, reading is often identified as a cause of motion sickness for many people. Instead, why not try music, watching a movie or taking advantage of the onboard spa?

8) Stay hydrated

Keeping up your H2O levels is an important part of staying healthy while at sea. Dehydration only serves to enhance seasickness symptoms which mean it is essential to sip water continuously throughout the day.

9) Close your eyes

An effective short term solution for soothing seasickness symptoms is to close your eyes and shut out the world for a minute or so. This eases the conflicting signals between your eyes and your inner ear and will help you to regain your sense of balance.

10) Plenty of port calls

If you’re really worried about seasickness, try to book a cruise with a port heavy itinerary. This will maximise your time on dry land and help you make the most of your holiday without feeling under the weather.

While it is extremely unlikely for cruise passengers to suffer from seasickness, these useful tips will help you to alleviate any symptoms. If you’re looking for luxury liners with large hulls, motion stabilisers and an abundance of apples and crackers, check out the fantastic package deals now available from Cruise1st!



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